If you’ve ever seen Angel Blade, then Sexy Sailor Soldiers is basically just a downgrade from that. The film is about a woman who, like Green Lantern, takes some jewelry from a dying stranger and becomes a superhero.
Long story short, after working her shift as a server in a restaurant, Nami (the female lead) finds a dying women who gives her a brooch as she’s dying. This brooch causes Nami to be inexplicably pursued by perverts on her way home. Eventually, these perverts expose themselves as demons, and though the power of the brooch, Nami transforms into...something that was never explained really, and flies away to her house. Fast forward to later, and she’s held hostage by a demon who reveals to her that she’s a demon hunter, and the brooch that she wears attracts demons to her. Specifically, demons enjoy feasting on a huntresses vaginal secretions as their meal of choice. Moments later Nami is rescued by a league of other large breasted demon hunters like herself and reveal to her that her job will never be done...then the film ends.
Sexy Sailor Soldiers is not great, but it’s a bit of fun for what it is. It’s worth a watch, maybe not a purchase if you want to nit-pick about the animation and lackluster storyline. Definately a 3-Star title.
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