Sei Yariman Gakuen Enkou Nikki is a personal favorite of mine. It deals with themes that many men identify with. I know this because just like the lead character in the film, I found myself in a similar situation. Besides being entertaining, this film also teaches you a few indirect life lessons. That’s something very rare in the world of hentai.
Sei Yariman Gakuen: Enkou Nikki, translated means Holy Yariman Academy: Compensated Dating Diaries. The film is about a man referred to as “Mister” who just got divorced after thirty years of marriage, and tries to figure out what to do next relationship wise. If you’ve ever been in a long-term relationship with someone who you really loved, you’ll know that after separating, a part of you still remains loyal to the person. Everyone will encourage you to move on, but in your heart and mind, you’re still in a relationship with that person. In the beginning, such behavior is understandable, but eventually, such behavior is unreasonable and unhealthy, leading you to be faced with the question of, “I'm I ready to date again?” Fortunately, “Mister” never got the chance to have this dilemma as he meets up with Miho on his way home from work.
Despite the fact that Miho disclosed her working-girl status to “Mister,” the two have a little chat, and “Mister” opens up to Miho about his recent divorce, as well as the circumstances which brought it about. Miho indirectly propositions “Mister” by reminding him of the old adage that the best way to forget someone old is with someone new, and she suggests that the two of them have an encounter at the local love-shack. “Mister” reluctantly agrees after dwelling on his cheating wife trapping him in a sexless thirty year marriage. Ultimately, within twenty-four hours Miho shows “Mister” that he wasn’t some washed up old man, but a confident and sexually desirable stallion who is more than capable of handling business in the bedroom.
Armed with a new-found confidence, “Mister” spends the next twelve months making up for thirty years of a sexless marriage by spending his ample disposable income on prostitutes. In a real situation, I could only imagine how sexually incompetent his ex-wife made him feel in order to drive him to do such a thing. Interestingly enough, he still wears his wedding-ring though it all. Later, he meets Reiko and the two become steady sex partners eventually entering the swinger community. After reaching alpha-male status again in his own mind, “Mister” has become confident in himself, capable at being a leader on his job, and most importantly of all, he didn’t allow his failed marriage to make him bitter.
Besides that, the animation in this title is top-notch and on-par with Bible Black. Breasts flop, asses jiggle, and shockwaves of motion travel through the body as Miho gets pounded from behind. I highly recommend this title despite some of the cheesy dialog. I give Sei Yariman Gakuen Enkou Nikki a solid 4.5 out of 5 stars.