As expressed in previous reviews, I’m not into S&M or BDSM. I don’t know what parental issues the people who enjoy these activities have, but I think it’s sick. Euphoria explores this world in the same setting that the SAW movies did: a bunch of people who take part in some twisted bastard’s game.
Specifically, six young women act as “keyholes,” and one young man on the verge of being a serial killer & rapist, acts as “the key.” The key unlocks the keyhole to unlock the next room that brings them all closer to freedom. How they all got themselves into this situation and why it was all done is unexplained, even the ending never answers these crucial questions.
“The key” needs to fulfil certain prerequisites in order for “the keyhole” to be considered unlocked. These prerequisites come in the form of horrible sex acts...the most infamous one in my mind is called, “The human toilet.” The graphic sex acts include, fecal eating, urine drinking, bondage, oversized dildos in every orifice, and fisting. When I say fisting, I’m talking about “the key” using his fist to punch through the keyhole’s cervix like he possessed the Fist of the North Star.
After the brutality of episodes 1 & 2, I asked myself, “how bad can episode 3 get?” The answer came when the opening scene began with an unknown and unexplained women getting beheaded. After I saw that, the only thing I can think about was “don’t tell me “the key” is gonna be even more of a sick fuck and have sex with the throat of this woman’s headless body.” Luckily that didn’t happen. Towards the end of episode 3, a silver lining in the dark cloud that is Euphoria came in the form of “the key” falling in love with a certain “keyhole,” and they have one of the most passionate, arousing, and well done sex scenes I’ve ever seen in any hentai...then the writers went and fucked that up by having “the keyhole” go skitzo and strangle “the key” to death.
Overall Euphoria gave me the same disturbed and uneasy feeling as watching the live action version of Icchi The Killer. I’m sure some of you future rapists & serial killers out there will be able to shoot a few loads to all the sexual brutality & violence of this title. So for that, and the redeeming final sex scene of Episode 3, I give Euphoria 3 stars. However, I cannot give this title a recommendation.